This year over 4,000 new refugees and humanitarian entrants will come to victoria from many parts of the world. Their health and wellbeing is often affected by their experiences of trauma and hardship as refugees, along with the many adjustments of resettlement. The Victorian Refugeee Health Network provides a forum for health and community services and practitioners to work collaboratively to adddress these needs.

  • build the capicity of the victorian health sector to respond to health concerns experienced by people of refugee beckground and address health inequality
  • support services to be more accessible to people fromm refugess background particularly in regional and outer metropolitan areas.
  • improve service coordination for recent arrivals and those with more complex needs.

Stay up to date with refugee health developments by subscribing to the Network’s monthly e-Bulletin. Updates are provided on current professional development opportunities, events, research and publications from the refugee health sector in Australia and overseas

The Network undertakes a range of projects, develops resources and provides specialist advice to address particular issues faced by people from refugee backgrounds. Particular issues that the Network has worked to address include ensuring timely and comprehensive primary and specialist health care, access to services in outer metropolitan and regional areas, improved access to oral health care and improved health care for asylum seekers. More information about the work of the Network can be found on the Network website.

Foundation House